90s Radio Stations

CrossFit Carolina Beach – CrossFit

– Metcon: Today’s partner workout is your choice how to split work but each station is a 90s interval. All scaling choices should allow high-effort of movement for big sets ie. OHS should be light.

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A: Warm-up (No Measure)

Review All Metcon Movements

– Weighted Step-ups

– G2OH


– Slamball


B: Metcon (Time)

In teams of 2:

3 Rounds of 90s Stations:

1) Alternating Weighted Step-ups (35, 25 DBs) (24, 20)

2) G20H w. a plate (45, 25)

3) Overhead Squat (75, 55)

4) Calories on Bike

5) Partner Wheelbarrow

6) 90s OF REST
*Athlete choice of how to split work

L2: (30s, 20s) (20, 15) (25, 15) (65, 35)

L1: (Unweighted Step-ups) (20, 15) (15, 10) (35, 25 Goblet Squat)

Extra Credit

C: Metcon (No Measure)

5 Minutes of “Recovery” of your choice:

– Light Foam Rolling

– P. Breathing

– Light cyclical work ie. bike, row, jog or light sledpull x 5 minutes

Categories: WOD

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