99% = 100% WRONG

CrossFit Carolina Beach – CrossFit

– Strength: Week 2 of speed work with the box squat. All sets should be fast/explosive. Get as wide as possible.
– Metcon: This workout should be 100% effort today. You should NEED the entire 3 minutes to recover.

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A: Warm-up (No Measure)

Quick Dynamic Warm-up x 6 minutes


Glute activation:

(2 sets)

Mini-Band Glute Activation

– 10 Left

– 10 Right

– 10 Forward

– 10 Backward

– 10 Clams each side

*This should burn like you know what!


B: Wide Stance Box Squats (8 x 3 @65% of Last Monday 3RM, every 60s.)

*After finished, Set-up Sleds for METCON.


C: Metcon (Time)

5 Rounds, each for time:

1 lap Sledpush Sprint (no more than 20 seconds)

20 Burpees

Rest 3:00

Score slowest round, mark other in notes.
L2: (15 Burpees per round)

L1: (4 Rounds) (10 Burpees per round)

Alternate Option

– 20s Air Bike Sprint

– 3 lap Shuttle Sprint

25:00 Cap on this work

Extra Credit

D: Prone Banded Leg Curls (3-4 x 25. Rest 60s.)


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