Army PT Test

CrossFit Carolina Beach – CrossFit

– Metcon: Today is a change of pace performing the Army PT Test. You’ll partner up and score each other for the first two exercises then finish with a timed 2-mile run.
What the coach needs to know:
– Metcon: Today is a change of pace performing the Army PT Test testing local endurance and aerobic capacity. Goal – set some attainable goals that people can record and crush when we retest this in 4-5 months. Standards for this can be found online. This test local endurance and aerobic capacity. Standards can be found here.

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A: Warm-up (No Measure)

“Powerwalk Races”

Set your class up in rows as you would for a dynamic warmup. Coach calls “3-2-1-go,” and each “walker” leaves their mark. They “race” down and back and upon return, they high-five the person behind them in line, and that person takes off. Make sure you have your video equipment out for this one.


Review + Warm-up Push-ups/Sit-ups


100 Meter Run

5 Push-ups or Box Push-ups

5 Abmat Sit-ups


B1: Army PT Test – Push-ups (AMRAP – Reps)

Event #1 – Max Push-ups in 2:00

B2: Army PT Test – Sit-ups (AMRAP – Reps)

Event #2 – Max Sit-ups in 2:00

B3: Army PT Test – Run (Time)

Event #3 – 2 Mile Run for time

Accessory Work

C: Warm-up (No Measure)

10 Minutes of “Recovery”

– Pull a sled for 10:00 with a light load that you can walk without stopping with

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