Barn Burner

CrossFit Carolina Beach – CrossFit

– Strength: Today’s strength is barbell glute bridges to train your buns. For most of you, this is a relatively new movement but a great way to train your glutes. All 5 sets should be challenging and done with ONE weight. You’ll see this movement again in 2 weeks.
– Metcon: Today’s workout is meant to be done at 90% effort. Shoot for big sets, but try to stay with sets that will allow for consistency. The loading should be light for you; a weight you can perform 5-7 reps per set with relative ease.

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A: Warm-up (No Measure)

5 Minutes of Dynamic Warm-up that consists of:

Jumping Jack shuffle High knees Butt Kicks 90-degree hip rotation Carioca Lateral Lunges


With an empty

Barbell Complete:

10 RDL

10 Front Squat

10 Push Press

10 Clusters

10 Barbell Glute Bridges

*Add weight to the barbell

8 BB Glute Bridges

*Add weight to barbell

6 BB Glute Bridges


B: Barbell Glute Bridge (5 x 5. Rest 90s.)
– Take 3 sets to build to work weight

– Perform all 5 sets with one weight (the “work weight that was established after 3 ramp-up sets.)

– Hold the top of each rep for a 1 count

Metcon Prep

C: Warm-up (No Measure)

Power Clean + Thruster: 3 x 2 + 2, building above desired Metcon weight. Rest 60s.


D: Barn Burner (Time)

For time:

40 Power Cleans (115, 75)

30 Thrusters (115, 75)

RX+: (135,95)

L3: (95, 65)

L2: (75, 55)

L1: (75, 55 25 Reps of each)

10:00 Time Cap

Extra Credit

E: Banded Pallof Press (4 x 8 ea. Rest 60s. (Heavy band))

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