Barn Burner

CrossFit Carolina Beach – Competitors Training

– Strength: Build to a max over the course of 8-10 sets for your Power Clean. Last tested on 7/9.

For sledwork, use the heaviest possible weight while being forceful on each step. For most this will be around a total of BW including sled weight, but depending on your surface this could vary.

– Metcon: Today’s Metcon is exactly like the name implies, a brutal burner. This is meant to be done at a high-effort, 90% where you are just shy of redlining and pushing your limits.

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A: Power Clean (1RM. Rest 2:00)

– Take 8-10 sets and build to a new 1RM.

B: Back Squats 1.25 (Build to a heavy set of 6. Rest 2:00)

C: Sled Drag Power Walk (4 x 60 forward, 4×60 backward)
4 x 60 yards Forward + 4 x 60 yards Backward. Rest 60 seconds


D: Barn Burner (Time)

For time:

40 Power Cleans (115, 75)

30 Thrusters (115, 75)

RX+: (135,95)

L3: (95, 65)

L2: (75, 55)

L1: (75, 55 25 Reps of each)

10:00 Time Cap

E: Sled Drag Power Walk (4×6 forward then backward, again.)

Accessory Work

F: KB March (Tabata. 8x20sec work/10 rest.)

Categories: WOD

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