CrossFit Carolina Beach – CrossFit
– Strength: Week 2 of our dynamic effort back squat work. Use 3 sets to work up to your 80% and then complete 5 sets of 3 repetitions all at 80%. Back squats will have a 1-second pause in the bottom. After back squats are complete start warming up touch n go deadlifts to prepare the Metcon.
– Metcon: This workout should be performed around 90% effort meaning near a ”sprint” pace. Burpees over the bar will be done laterally. Empty your tank on the burpees and use a weight on the deadlift that’s challenging but can still be done in big sets.
A: Warm-up (No Measure)
Dynamic Warm-up that consists, 50 ft each then jog back to start:
Walking Knee Hug
Walking Quad Stretch
Walking Lunge with Overhead Reach
Butt Kickers
A Skips
B Skips
Jumping Jack Shuffle
Back Pedal
90 Degree Hip Rotation
Get up sprints x 3 sets with increasing intensity on each.
*Have 3 athletes at a time lay on their back and then on your clap get and jog forward. Each set should be faster than the one before it. This is a good CNS prep drill. Athletes will walk back to start.
B: Back Squat (5 x 3 @80%, every 90s. (31X1))
Metcon Prep
C: Touch ‘n Go Deadlift (Build to Metcon weight in 3 x 3. Rest 60s.)
D: Batwings (Time)
For time:
30 Calorie Bike
30 Deadlifts (225, 155)
30 Lateral Burpees
L3: (185, 135)
L2: (155, 105)
L1: (60s Max Cals on Bike) (135, 95) (Regular Burpees or Squat Thrusts)
Alternate Scaling
Bike = 45 Calorie Row or 30 Cal Ski Erg or 400m Run
9:00 Cap