CrossFit Carolina Beach – CrossFit
– Strength: Today we’ll perform some strength work for the glutes today – you’ll see this movement for the next TWO weeks.
– Metcon: Benchmark workout – 90% effort. Close to maximal but leave enough in the tank so you do not redline. Deadlifts should be done in 5-10 reps per set.
A: Warm-up (No Measure)
3 Rounds BP Lower Complex:
5 Romanian Deadlifts
5 Front Squats
5 Front Rack Reverse Lunges each Leg
5 Goodmornings
5 Bent-over Barbell Rows
Rest 40-60s, add lightweight.
Warm-up + Review
Glute Hip Thrusts
B: Hip Thrust (3/5 x 5. Rest 90s.)
– 3 Warm-up sets then 5 challenging work sets.
– use a pad on the bar if possible
– Rx+ – band over just over the knees while performing these.
C: Batwings (Time)
For time:
30 Calorie Bike
30 Deadlifts (225, 155)
30 Lateral Burpees
L3: (185, 135)
L2: (155, 105)
L1: (60s Max Cals on Bike) (135, 95) (Regular Burpees or Squat Thrusts)
Alternate Scaling
Bike = 45 Calorie Row or 30 Cal Ski Erg or 400m Run
9:00 Cap
Accessory Work
D: Warm-up (No Measure)
Banded Pull-throughs: 4 x 25. Rest 60s.
– ultra wide sumo stance
Parasympathetic Breathing x 15-20 breaths – 3 seconds inhale + hold 1 second + 3 second exhale