CrossFit Carolina Beach – Competitors Training
– Strength: Today’s training is very simple.
– Metcon: Today’s effort should be lower, around 75%. You should be able to sustain yourself for all 4 rounds so you’ll need to be thinking of going at a slower pace. With that said nothing here should ”break the bank” and all movements should be able to be done for the 40s without stopping (with the exception of the bar dips).
A: Strict Pulls Up (reps) (1 set AMRAP-1. Rest 3-4 minutes.)
B: Close Grip Strict Chin-ups: (1 set AMRAP-1. Rest 3-4 minutes)
C: Strict Pulls Up (reps) (3 x 6-8 resting 90s between sets of:)
Set #1: wide grip pull-up
Set #2: medium grip pull-up
Set #3: close grip chin-up
D: Metcon (AMRAP – Reps)
4 Rounds of 40s work/20s rest:
1a) Bar Dips
1b) KBS (53, 35)
1c) T2B
1d) Burpees to a target 6″ beyond your reach
1e) Double Unders