CrossFit Carolina Beach – Competitors Training
Bring a freind or a neighbor!!
B: Wide Stance Box Squats (8 x 3 @65% of Back Squat, every 60s.)
– 13-15″ Box – parallel squat
– Rx+: (use 25% of Max in chain weight w. 55% straight weight)
– If no recent max use a light to moderate load.
C: Speed Deadlift (6 x 2 at 55% + band tension – every 45 sec)
Pull as fast as possible
reset each rep. Not touch n go
D: Metcon (AMRAP – Rounds and Reps)
21 KBS (70, 53)
15 Goblet Squats (70, 53)
9 Lateral Burpees Over the Kettlebell
L3: (53, 35)
L2: (45, 30) (Regular Burpees)
L1: (35, 25) (Regular Burpees)
rest 3 min. At 11:00 do…
Accessory Work
E: Warm-up (No Measure)
2:00 of Global Foam Rolling Quads (60s each)
3:00 of Parasympathetic Breathing
E: Metcon (No Measure)
5 Rounds:
60 yard Heavy Sledpull Powerwalk
30 yard Farmers Carry – Heavy!