
CrossFit Carolina Beach – Competitors Training

– Strength/Metcon: This piece is as much as a ”strength piece” as it is a ”Metcon.”

Submaximal strength, hypertrophy and strength endurance will all be in play here. Much like many CrossFit workouts that involve a large dose of locally demanding movements, you’ll need to break your work before you have to or you’ll likely labor through the later rounds.

Towards the end when peripheral fatigue starts to set in you may need to break the pull-ups and dips into two quick sets each. As far as the barbell rows, these should be pretty light since we know people have a tendency to butcher these, especially when fatigued.

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A: Metcon (Time)

10 RFT:

5 Strict Pull-ups (change grip every 2 sets i.e. pull-up, Chin-up, wide, medium and close grips)

10 Ring Dips

15 Barbell Rows (95, 65)

Rest 60s

21:00 Cap

Rest 5 minutes, then part 2

B: Metcon (No Measure)

Rest 5:00 and complete

5 Rounds, not for time:

20 Banded Pull-aparts (underhand grip)

20 Banded OH Triceps Extensions

20 Banded Pulldown Abs

10:00 Cap

Accessory Work

C: Metcon (No Measure)

5 Minutes of Parasympathetic Breathing

Categories: WOD

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