CrossFit Carolina Beach – Competitors Training
– Metcon: Today we have a beautiful mixed modality GPP/cardiac output session. Each minute you will work for: 40 seconds and then you will have: 20 seconds to transition to the next movement. Today is a change of pace from our normal recovery sessions – you’ll see more emphasis on GPP this month while still getting in our cardiac output work on other days in a second session.
A: Metcon (AMRAP – Rounds and Reps)
EMOM 30:
Minute 1: 40s of Front Rack KB Carry (53, 35)
Minute 2: 40s Calorie Row, Bike, or Ski Erg
Minute 3: 40s DB Snatch (50, 35)
Minute 4: 40s Stone or Heavy Sandbag Carry
Minute 5: 40s Single Unders
Accessory Work
B: Metcon (Weight)
Tabata – 8 x 20s work/10s rest alternating between 1a/1b.
1a) Alternating DB Curls
1b) RKC Plank