Consistency is Key

CrossFit Carolina Beach – CrossFit

– Metcon: The goal of today’s piece to breath for 25 minutes. Nothing in this workout should prevent you from being consistent for all rounds.

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A: Warm-up (No Measure)

Alternating Tabata #1 x 20s work/10s rest:

1a) Single Unders

1b) Scorpions

Alternating Tabata #2 x 20s work/10s rest

1a) SDHP w. empty bar

1b) Barbell Rows w. empty bar


Review all of today’s Movements:

– Asymmetrical Carry (Front Rack + OH)

– Strict Ring Pull-ups

– Ring OR Bar Dips

– Front Rack Reverse Lunges


B: Metcon (Weight)

EMOM 25:

MINUTE 1: 40s of Asymmetrical OH Carry (53s, 35s)

*1 KB OH/1 KB in Front Rack

MINUTE 2: 10/8 Strict Ring Pull-ups

MINUTE 3: 12/8 Ring or Bar Dips

MINUTE 4: 15 SDHP (95, 65)

MINUTE 5: 10 Front Rack Reverse Lunges (95, 65) (total)

Extra Credit

C: Metcon (No Measure)



Banded Pulldowns

Banded Pushdowns

*After each set complete a 30s Hollow Hold.

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