CrossFit Carolina Beach – CrossFit
~ Christmas Week – All classes will be at 8:45am and 1:00pm.
~ Closed Christmas Day.
~ New Years Eve – 8:45 and 1:00pm only.
~ New Years Day – The workout of the day will be 108 sun salutations with Heather at 11:00. Come move and groove!
~ January 2nd – Back to normal schedule.
– Strength: Today is week 2 of Jerk work. Your load should be a moderate weight and there should be no missed reps.
– Metcon: Today’s Metcon is intended to be a sprint, around 85% effort. This is a high-effort work, but not in the sense you’ll redline on the bike. Break Pull-ups/Snatch in a manner that will keep your HR at bay.
A: Warm-up (No Measure)
Grab a light band then perform:
50 Jumping Jacks
40 Air Squats
30 Shoulder Taps (Left + Right = 1)
20 Scorpions (total)
10 Yoga Push-ups
Then with your band:
10 Pass Thru
20 Banded Pull-aparts
10 Around the World (5 each)
20 Banded Pull-aparts
20s Pec Stretch in Pull-up Rig each side
B: Split Jerk (EMOM 8)
Minutes 0:00-4:00: 2 Jerks @75%
Minutes 5:00-8:00: 2 Jerks @80%
C: Metcon (Time)
For time:
Alt. DB Snatch (50, 35)
Calorie Bike
12:00 Time Cap
Rx+:(C2B Pull-ups) (Cals on Bike or Ski Erg)
L3: (40, 25) (21-15-9 Pull-ups)
L2: (35, 20) (Band Assisted Pull-ups)
L1: (30, 15) (Ring Rows) (Cals on Rower)
*Alternate Option for Air Bike
– Running 600/400/200 meters
– Cals on Rower
– Double Unders of 100-75-50
Extra Credit
D: Banded OH Tricep Extensions (4 x 25. Rest 60s.)
*Between sets complete 20s Hollow-Hold OR 15s L-Sit Hold