Death by Burpees

CrossFit Carolina Beach – CrossFit

– Strength: Perform 2-3 warm-up sets then with a challenging weight perform 5 sets of 10 with the same weight for all sets. This will be followed by some direct biceps work.
– Metcon: Today’s Metcon is strategy piece. Go slower than you think and think about the overall goal of making it as far as you can. Starting off slower will allow you to push your sets when the rep counts get higher and when you need more time to complete the required work.

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A: Warm-up (No Measure)

Grab a light set of DBs and a band complete:

15 DB Push Press

20 DB Renegade Rows (total)

15 DB Front Squats

20 DB Renegade Rows (total)

15 DB RDLs

20 Alt. DB Curls


3 Way Banded Shoulder Lat Stretch x 30-60s each


B1: DB Bench Press (5 x 10. Rest 90s.)

B2: DB Curls (3 x 10 each. Rest 60s.)

~ Alternating


C: Death By Burpees (AMRAP – Rounds)

EMOM 1 burpees, 2 burpees, 3 burpees, etc…

Extra Credit

D: Banded OH Tricep Extensions (4 x 20-30. Rest 60s.)
*Between sets complete 20 Russian Twists.(total)

Categories: WOD

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