CrossFit Carolina Beach – CrossFit
~ New Years Eve – 8:45 and 1:00pm only.
~ New Years Day – The workout of the day will be 108 sun salutations with Heather at 11:00. Come move and groove!
~ January 2nd – Back to normal schedule.
– Metcon: Come up with the best strategy to hit a max load in 8 minutes as well as a good strategy to split the AMRAP work. Your scaling choice should allow for sets of 10 on thrusters and sets of 5 on pull-ups. How you divide rowing will be the difference maker.
A: Warm-up (No Measure)
Partner up and perform 200m Row each.
Then grab a barbell and each athlete complete:
8 Thrusters
8 Pull-ups
8 S20H
*Add weight
6 Thrusters
6 Pull-ups
6 S20H
*Add weight
4 Thrusters
4 Pull-ups
4 S20H
*Put bar in rack
Metcon Prep
B: Metcon (No Measure)
Warm-up Thrusters from the rack building to roughly 50% performing sets of 1.
*Between sets make sure pull-up are warm and scaling is ready to go.
C: 2018 (AMRAP – Rounds and Reps)
With a running clock:
Max Thruster from a Rack.
*Total load from both athletes
10:00-35:00 AMRAP of:
Row 2018 Meters
100 Thrusters (95, 65)
100 Pull-ups
Rx+:(115, 75) (C2B Pull-ups)
L3: (75, 55)
L2: (65, 45) (Band Assisted Pull-ups)
L1: (55, 35) (Ring Rows)