Double Trouble

CrossFit Carolina Beach – CrossFit

– Metcon #1/#2: The purpose of today’s work is twofold: strength and grip work with sled/farmer carry and assistance work with the man-maker and TGUs. There is a big emphasis on core control and aerobic ability today as well as your ability to sustain a decent level of output for all of the work. Don’t underestimate today – you’ll likely be challenged more than you think. By working with a partner you’ll have built-in rest which will allow you to sustain your effort.

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A: Warm-up (No Measure)

“Pet Rock Warm-up”

Get into teams of 2 and complete a 400 meter run with 1 Heavy Kettlebell (pet rock.) The kettlebell is not to touch the ground and can be passed back and forth between partners however they see fit.



– Man Makers

– Turkish Get-ups

– Sledpull Powerwalk or Sledpush


B: Metcon (Distance)

20 Minutes on the clock in teams of 2:

10 Minutes of Max Sets of Farmer Carry

10 Minutes of Max Sets of Sledpull Powerwalk or Sledpush

*One athlete completes a set of 20-30 seconds without stopping (150-200 ft.)


C: Metcon (AMRAP – Reps)

10 Minutes on the clock in teams of 2:

5 Minutes of Max DB Man Makers

5 Minutes of Max Turkish Get-up (client choice of weight)

*One athlete completes a 1 rep at a time alternating back and forth with their partner.

Extra Credit

D: World’s Greatest Stretch30s each pose (No Measure)

Categories: WOD

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