CrossFit Carolina Beach – CrossFit
– Metcon: Today’s Metcon you’ll have almost an equal amount of time on the rower and for the snatch/wall ball/double under triplet. Partition these so you can work consistently with your partner. Your scaling should allow for smooth pace throughout.
A: Warm-up (No Measure)
Grab Barbells, Medballs, Jump Ropes and perform:
AMRAP 6 with your partner:
4 Alt. DB Snatches
6 Wallballs
20 Double Unders
*One athlete completes a full round then rests while their partner works
B: Metcon (AMRAP – Rounds and Reps)
AMRAP 36 with a partner:
Buy in:
5k Row
Then with the Remaining time:
30 Alt. DB Snatches (50, 35)
60 Wall balls (20, 14)
90 Double Unders
Rx+:(60, 40) (30, 20)
L3: (45, 30)
L2: (35, 25) (14, 10) (Double Under Attempts)
L1: (30, 15) (10, 8) (Single Unders)
Extra Credit
C: Metcon (No Measure)
100-200 Reps of:
Banded Pushdowns
Banded Leg Curls
*Accumulate volume however you see fit