Fight Gone Good

CrossFit Carolina Beach – CrossFit

Holiday Hours!

Wednesday: 6:00,7:00,8:45,1:00, and no classes after 1:00pm.

Thursday=The Great Thanksgiving RowDown! Come in between 9:00 and 12:00 to contribute to our rowing benefit for Nourish NC! Each 1,000m row, CFCB will donate $1 to Nourish NC. Bring a friend and that could be a lot of dough! The effort will also be matched, dollar for dollar, by the Southern Sign Company, The Copper Penny, the McLeod’s, and Myrtle Grove Animal Hospital! Grab a friend, a family member, or coworker and come spend a few minutes on a rower!

Friday: 8:45am&1:00pm only
Saturday: Normal

– Metcon: Today we are looking for about 45-50s of working as the time to transition/catch your breath will take 10-15s. Nothing should stop you in your tracks on this workout so look to maintain a consistent effort of about 70% for the entire 20 minutes.

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A: Metcon (No Measure)

Tabata Double Unders

8 x 20s work/10s Rest

L2: (Double Under Attempts)

L1: (Single Unders)


B: Metcon (AMRAP – Reps)

24 Minute EMOM:

1) Hand Release Push-ups

2) SDHP (53, 35)

3) Double Unders

4) Wallballs (20, 14)

5) Calories on Bike

6) Rest

L2: (Box Push-ups) (45, 25) (Double Under Attempts) (14, 10)

L1: (Box Push-ups) (35, 20) (Single Unders) (10, 8)

Alternate Options for Bike

– Ski Erg, Short Shuttle Sprints, Front Rack KB Carry, or Squat Thrusts
Score like Fight Gone Bad. Total reps.

Extra Credit

C: Metcon (Time)

Plank Off
Plank OFF:

Who can hold the longest? If anyone makes it beyond 5 minutes, starting adding plates 10# plates to each others backs =)

Categories: WOD

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