CrossFit Carolina Beach – CrossFit
A: Warm-up (No Measure)
Equipment needed for this warm-up:
– Foam Roller
– 1 Heavy band
– 2 Light bands
3:00 – 5:00
Three way foam roll thoracic spine: 1-2 inches of motion x 2-3 spots x 20-30 seconds each.
5:00 – 7:00
Biphasic Hinged Back Lat Stretch x 60s each side
7:00 – 9:00
Side-Lying Thoracic Spine Rotations: 3 x 5 ea.
9:00 – 11:00
Rusin Triset: 2-3 x 10 ea.
10 Over and Back
10 Banded Facepull-aparts
10 Banded Pull-aparts
11:00 – 13:00
Banded Push-ups: 3 x 5. Rest 20s.
13:00 – 15:00 “superset of”
Skip Jacks: 3 x 5.
Plyo-push-ups: 3 x 3.
B1: DB Decline Bench Press (Roughly 3″ off Floor. 2/4 x 10. Rest 30s.)
Prop a bench on something 4” tall. Head facing down. Bench some dumbbells
– 2 warm-up sets + 5 work sets with a challenging load
– elevate the front of the bench on a 45# plate – roughly 3″ off the floor
B2: Inverted Barbell Rows (2/4 x 15. Rest 30s.)
– 2 warm-up sets + 5 work sets with a challenging load or BW
C: Metcon (AMRAP – Rounds and Reps)
15 Minutes, For Quality:
100 Ft. Crossbody Carry
100 Ft. Crossbody Carry (switch sides)
10 Strict Pull-ups
5 Strict Dips
Rx+:(5 Strict Ring Dips per round)
L3: (5 Strict Pull-ups per round) (Band Assisted Dips)
L3: (Strict Band Assisted Pull-ups) (10 Box Push-ups per round)
L1: (10 DB Hammer Curls) (15 Banded Triceps Pushdowns per round)
*Ring Dip Scaling
Extra Credit
D: Warm-up (No Measure)
2:00 Foam Roll Pecs
3:00 Parasympathetic Breathing