Freshman V2

CrossFit Carolina Beach – Competitors Training

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A: Front Squat (6 x 3@80%, every 60s.)

B: Sumo Deadlift Against bands (EMOM 10 x 2 @55% + heavy band tension)

C: Kneeling Jump + Vertical Jump (w. light vest: 20 Total Jumps. Rest 30s.)


D: Freshman V2 (AMRAP – Rounds and Reps)


7 DB Power Cleans (50, 35)

7 DB Thrusters (50, 35)
rest 7-14. At 14:00 mark complete 2nd portion

E: Metcon (AMRAP – Rounds and Reps)

7 Minute AMRAP

20/18 Calorie Bike

25 Ft. DB Front Rack Walking Lunges (50, 35)

F: Metcon (No Measure)


Recover on Bike @Zone 1 pace.

Accessory Work

G: Metcon (No Measure)

Banded Alphabet: Complete 3 sets (1 set on each side = 1 set). Rest 30s.

Banded Pull-through: 3 x 40. Rest 30s. (ultra wide stance)

Categories: WOD