CrossFit Carolina Beach – Competitors Training
– Strength: This is the final week of our floor press work. This week the loading is lighter intentionally in which you should be able to be explosive on each rep. Use a medium grip for all sets.
– Metcon: Both pieces are intended to be done around 75% effort, meaning your output will not fall off for the entire 10 minutes. You should NOT be hitting failure with any of the gymnastics work. Plan accordingly.
A: Floor Press (no tempo this week: 8 x 3 @60%, every 60s.)
B: Ring Rows (6×10. Rest 60 sec. Feet elevated. Wear a vest.)
3 sets pronated
3 sets nuetral.
C: Metcon (AMRAP – Rounds and Reps)
Amrap 10
2 Legless Rope Climbs (Ladies 1 Legless + 1 Legs)
20 Alt. DB Snatches (50s, 35s)
20 T2B
Rest 2:00 the 2nd metcon.
D: Metcon (AMRAP – Rounds and Reps)
7/5 Strict HSPU
7/5 Strict L Pull-ups
21/18 Calorie Ski Erg or Row.