CrossFit Carolina Beach – Competitors Training
– Strength: Build to a 1RM. No more than 3-4 singles over 90%.
– Metcon: The goal today is sustain 75% effort on the bike or ski erg, but your effort on the T2B/S20H should be slightly higher and allow for UB sets.
This workout should keep you within your anaerobic threshold, for the most part so be smart with your pacing on the bike/ski erg using this to recover between sets of T2B/S20H.
S20H are intended to be heavier today, but still capable of being done UB. End with 6 minutes of accessory work for back/triceps/biceps.
A: Push Jerk (1RM)
B: Inverted Barbell Rows (5×20 rest 60 seconds)
*Do not elevate your feet or try to make these harder, 100 total reps will be hard enough.
C: Jones Bones (AMRAP – Rounds and Reps)
10 T2B
10 S20H (135, 95)
200 Meter Run
Rx+:(155, 105) (21/18 Calorie Assault Bike or Ski Erg in place of Run)
L3: (115, 75)
L2: (Knee Lifts) (95, 65 Push Press)
L1: (20s Elbow Plank each round) (DB Push Press, neutral grip)
When recovered, part 2
D: Metcon (No Measure)
1 Lap Sledpull Rows
15 Banded Pushdowns
10 DB Hammer Curls (w. fat gripz if possible.)