CrossFit Carolina Beach – CrossFit
A: Metcon (No Measure)
2 Sets of:
15 Banded Pushdowns
15 Banded Pulldowns
Then with an empty barbell:
10 Barbell Rows
8 Strict Press
6 Barbell Curls
4 Push Press
Rest 30s + Talk About Jerk Technique
B: Split Jerk (6 x 3 @70-75% of 7/27, every 90s.)
Reset on each rep (not done touch n go)
C: Metcon (Time)
Every 4:00 x 4 Sets:
12 C2B Pull-ups
400 Meter Run
Rx+:(15 C2B Per Round)
L3: (Chin over bar pull-ups)
L2: (Band Assisted Pull-ups)
L1: (Ring Rows) (200m Run)
Score slowest but try and keep splits as close as possible
Extra Credit
D1: Metcon (Weight)
3 x 10 ea. Rest 30s.
Lateral raise + front raise + cuban press