KB Complex From Hell

CrossFit Carolina Beach – CrossFit

– Metcon: This workout today will challenge you from head-to-toe. Use a weight that feels light as the movements get progressively harder with each movement. Your score today is how many rounds and reps are done in 20 minutes but rest as much as you need to.

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A: Warm-up (No Measure)

3 min – Bike/Row/Run


2 sets,

1 TGU ea.

5 SA KB Swings ea.

5 SA KB Push Press ea.

5 KB Front Squats ea.

5 KB Front Rack Rev. Lunges ea.

15 Banded Face Pulls-apart

15 Banded Pulldowns


B: Toes-To-Bar (2 sets AMRAP-1)

Rest as needed between sets.


C: KB Complex From Hell (AMRAP – Rounds and Reps)

20 Minutes on the clock with 1 Kettlebell:

10 Single Arm Russian Swings Right

10 Single Arm Russian Swings Left

8 Single Arm KB Rows Right

8 Single Arm KB Rows Left

6 Single Arm KB Thrusters Right

6 Single Arm KB Thrusters Left

4 KB Front Rack Forward + Reverse Lunges Right

4 KB Front Rack Forward + Reverse Lunges

2 Turkish Get-ups Right

2 Turkish Get-ups Left

*Rest as needed between rounds + movements

Rx:(53, 35)

L3: (45, 30)

L2: (35, 25)

L1: (30, 20)

Score = total rounds+reps

Extra Credit

D: Single Arm Banded Pushdowns (3 x 30-50 each. Rest 30s.)


Categories: WOD

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