CrossFit Carolina Beach – CrossFit
– Strength: Week 3 (final week) of Front Box Squats. All sets should be executed fast and with great technique.
– Metcon: Don’t underestimate this workout. Choose a weight that is challenging, but keep in mind that this workout is going to become very challenging after the first 50 reps. Your core and legs will both be on fire. Have a goal to complete sets of 14-20 reps at a time.
A: Warm-up (No Measure)
Knee Hug + Lunge + Forearm to Floor + Toe Point + Thoracic Rotation x 20 total reps
2 Rounds of:
10 X-Band Walk Right
10 Banded Goodmornings
10 X-Band Walk Left
Front Box Squats
Broad Jumps
Review Double KB Front Rack Walking Lunges
B: Front Box Squats (3/8 x 2 @60-65%, every 60s.)
– 3 warm-up sets/8 work sets.
C: Metcon (Distance)
Broad Jump: 3 Attempts at Max Distance.
D: Metcon (Time)
100 Double KB Front Rack Walking Lunges (53, 35) (total reps between both legs)
L3: (45, 30)
L2: (35 25)
L1: (Bodyweight Walking Lunges or light DBs in suitcase/farmers carry hold)
10:00 Cap
Extra Credit
E1: Reverse Hypers (3 x 30 @50% of Back Squat. Rest 60s.)
E2: Banded Good Mornings (3 x 30. Rest 60s.)
Good mornings with band behind neck.