CrossFit Carolina Beach – Competitors Training
If you competed this weekend, don’t be afraid to take today off and push the days of the week back, skip Wednesday’s program. Prioritize some rest and recovery.
– Strength: The goal today is focused on strength and sled work. You’ll start with an Anderson Back Squat (can be done with SSB.) This is intended to be above parallel and above your current 1RM Back Squat.
Then build over the course of 6-7 sets to a 1RM Squat Clean. All sets of sledpulls should be aggressive. If power output drops then you went too heavy. All sets should look the same.
A: Anderson Back Squat (1RM)
B: Squat Clean (1RM)
C: Sled Drag Power Walk (10×60 yards. Rest 60 seconds.)
It should be as heavy as possible, but limited to something you can be aggressive the whole drag. If you start baby steppin’ or slow creepin’, too heavy.
D: Reverse Hyper (5×60. Rest 60 Seconds.)
Straight into this after forward sled.