Muscle. Up.

CrossFit Carolina Beach – Competitors Training

– Strength: Today’s strength work consists of cluster work with the weighted pull-up. It’s likely the load you’re using here is not particularly heavy, but all sets should be able to be completed without hitting failure. Today we are performing ALL 5 sets with the same load so take 2-3 ramp-up sets prior to starting work sets.
Speed bench should be explosive/zero hesitation. Use last weeks 1RM to base your 40% on today.

– Metcon: Today’s piece is intended to be slower, 75% where you’re mindful of not hitting failure and staying consistent throughout. Break work before you have to.

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A: Weighted Pull-ups (5 x 2.2.2 (10s). Rest 2:00.)

B: Speed Bench Press (9 x 3 @40% + 25% of chain weight or band, every 40)

Watch this video for detail from the world’s strongest gym, Westside Barbell
– change grip every 3 sets close, medium, wide..


C: Metcon (Time)

5 RFT:

5/3 Ring Muscle-ups

20 Push-ups

20 Barbell Rows (95, 65)

20 T2B

20 Push Press (95, 65)

Accessory Work

D: DB Seated Cleans (3 x 15. Rest 60s.)

Categories: WOD

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