New Workout Plan

CrossFit Carolina Beach – Competitors Training

– Strength: As the name implies these presses are a concentric movement starting from the bottom. The ROM is partial here on purpose so you should be able to exceed your max bench press.

– Metcon: Benchmark workout last done on 5/22. Be smart with your pacing and have a plan on how you’ll partition your sets.

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A: Dead Stop Bench Press From Pins or Straps (Heavy 3RM. 6″above chest today.)

Place to have bar 3-4″ above chest.

B: Dead Stop Bench Press From Pins or Straps (3 sets to 1RM. 6″ above chest)

Place to have bar 3-4″ above chest.

C: Hang Power Snatch (4 x 2 building. Rest 90s.)


D: New Workout Plan (Time)

2 RFT:

75 Air Squats

50 Push-ups

25 T2B

800m Run

Rx+: 50 alt. pistols. 40 T2B. 30 Ring Dips.

L2: (50 Air Squats) (30 Box Push-ups) (Knee Lifts)

L1: (35 Air Squats) (15 Box Push-ups) (Abmat Sit-ups) (400-600m Run)

22:00 Cap

Accessory Work

E: Fat Grip Barbell or Fat Bar Curls (3 x 10. Rest 60s. –(3030) Tempo)

Curls with a fat bar or fat grips

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