Non-Functional Friday

CrossFit Carolina Beach – Competitors Training

– Strength: Build to a 3RM over the course of 5-6 sets. After each set complete 1-2 legless rope climbs. You should have a total of 10 legless rope climbs completed by the time you reach your 3RM.

– Metcon: Today’s ”metcon” is more of an accessory piece for the upper-body, core, and gymnastics ability. Treat this is as a ”quality over quantity” type piece and don’t record your time.

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A: Floor Press (3RM. Rest 2:00)

*After each set complete 2 Legless Rope Climbs


B: Metcon (No Measure)

Not for time:

“Buy in”

150 Ft. Handstand Walk

*Adv over obstacles



DB Rollback Tricep Extensions on Floor (50s, 30s)

Barbell Curls (95, 65)




400 Meter Single Arm OH KB Carry (200m each)

Accessory Work

C: Banded Face Pulls (200 Reps.)

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