Nov 15

CrossFit Carolina Beach – CrossFit

– Strength: Week 2 of Squat Clean work. Reset between reps. Loading should be challenging, but you should be able to maintain perfect form on each set. Next week is a holiday so this is the final week of these.
– Metcon: Today’s work is a good opportunity to get in some GPP based work. You’ll work with a partner and split work in half. Rest as needed between sets and know that each set is 100% effort. Challenge yourself on the farmer carries to go the entire distance without putting the weight down (100m for each athlete.)

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A: Warm-up (No Measure)

Grab a band and complete:

2 Rounds of:

10 Walking Lunges

10 Banded Goodmornings

10 X-Band Walks Left

10 X-Band Walks Right


proceed to get barbells out and review squat cleans.


B: Squat Clean (3 x 2 @80% of Last Monday, every 60s.)


3 x 1 @85% of Last Monday, every 60s.

– reset between all reps


C: Metcon (No Measure)

5 Rounds, not for time:

200 Meter Sledpush (medium)

200 Meter Farmer Carry (70, 53)
*Rest as needed

*Split work in half. One person works.

Alternate Option for Sledpush:

30 Band Resisted Russian Swings (70, 53) (15 each athlete)

**20 Minute Cap

Extra Credit

D: Metcon (No Measure)

5 Minutes of Light Foam Rolling

Categories: WOD

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