CrossFit Carolina Beach – CrossFit
– Strength: Week 1 of Speed work with the squat clean. Reset between reps. The loading should be heavy enough to feel, but light enough for perfect execution.
– Metcon: Today’s workout is largely about being smart with your burpees. Deadlifts should be HEAVY today, likely a weight you’ll complete 5 reps per set with. Whatever time remains, go 100% and try to complete as many wallballs as possible.
A: Warm-up (No Measure)
10 X-Band Walks Left + Right
10 Banded Goodmornings
10 RDLs w. an empty barbell
10 Wallballs
Review Squat Cleans
B: Squat Clean (8 x 2 @75% of Monday, every 90s.)
– reset between all reps
C: Timebomb (AMRAP – Reps)
In 12:00
50 Wallballs (20, 14)
40 Lateral Burpees over the Bar
30 Deadlifts (275, 185)
Remaining time AMRAP: Wallballs
Rx+: (315, 205)
L3: (225, 155)
L2: (14, 10) (165, 115)
L1: (10, 8) (135, 95)
*Score = total wallballs completed