CrossFit Carolina Beach – CrossFit
– Strength: Superset of Tricep/Back work. Build in weight with the close grip bench. Your last set should
be relatively difficult. Between sets perform 25 banded pull-aparts.
– Metcon: This workout is locally/globally demanding ie. pull-ups will challenge your local musculature
and KBS/TGU will challenge your cardio-respiratory system/musculature head to toe.
Be smart, and
pace yourself at around 75%. There is no time component today so you can focus on quality!
A: Warm-up (No Measure)
Grab a light KB and complete:
5 TGU on each side
5 Single Arm Russian Swings each
5 Single Arm KB Push press each
5 KB Front Squat on each side
5 American Swings
5 Yoga Push-ups
Review Close Grip Bench Press + Pull-ups Scaling
B1: Close Grip Bench Press (3 x 8-10. Rest 45s.)
– add weight each set building to a moderate/heavy set of 8-10.
– This is 3 “work sets”
B2: Banded Pull-apart (3 x 25. Rest 45s.)
~ Make sure pull-up scaling is good to go.
C: Metcon (Weight)
5 Rounds, NOT FOR TIME:
2 Turkish Get-ups after each completed round (1 on each side)
10 Pull-ups
20 KBS (53, 35)
Rx+:(Strict Pull-ups)
L3: (45, 30)
L2: (Band Assisted Pull-ups) (35, 25)
L1: (Ring Rows) (35, 25 Russian Swings)
*Ideally you will use the same weight for TGU for KBS.
20:00 Cap on this Work