Oct 9

CrossFit Carolina Beach – CrossFit

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A: Warm-up (No Measure)

Run 400 Meters,

Then,7 Minutes of Pose Running Drills,

Then Run 400 meters again trying to apply the pose running mechanics.


Review Strength Work x 5 minutes.


B: Metcon (Weight)

Pull-up Training Week 1:

4 Rounds of:

8-10 Supinated Grip Inverted Rows

25 Banded Pull-aparts

Rest 90s-2:00 between rounds.
Rx+: Perform 5 Rounds with 60s rest between rounds.


C: Cooper Test (Distance)

12 Minutes Max Distance Run

*Score = total distance

Extra Credit

D: Elbow out Tricep Extensions (3 x 20. Rest 60s.)


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