Open Style

CrossFit Carolina Beach – CrossFit

– Strength: Week 2 and final week of Snatch work. The goal today is to hit a heavy single over the course of 12 sets.
– Metcon: On paper this one doesn’t look too bad, but in reality, this will feel like an Open workout so it should be treated as such – loading should be light.

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A: Warm-up (No Measure)

1) Oscillatory foam roll adductors: x 60 seconds per side. + Adductor Rock back stretchx 60 seconds per side.

2) Bird Dogs: 3 x 5 ea. right into Banded Glute Bridge: 3 x 5

3) 3 Rounds of:

Tempo Goblet Squat x 3

Air Squat Jump Squats x 5

4) Snatch + OHS warm-up + Review


B: Snatch (Heavy 1 in 12 sets. Rest 90s.)

– Goal is to hit 90% of 1RM if known

– Any style snatch is acceptable today

– Intermediate moderate set of 1

– Beginner – technique work for 10-12 sets

Metcon Prep

C: Warm-up (No Measure)

3 Rounds of:

3 Power Snatch

3 Overhead Squat

20 Double Unders

Rest 60s.

*progress to metcon weight over the 3 rounds.


D: Open Style (AMRAP – Rounds and Reps)


3 Power Snatch (95, 65)

3 Overhead Squats (95, 65)

30 Double Unders

L3: (75, 55)

L2: (65, 45) (Double Under Attempts)

L1: (5 KB Deadlifts + 5 Goblet Squats – 30 Single Unders)

Rx+ Metcon #2 – Rest 10:00 after “Open Style”


21 Power Cleans (95, 65)

15 Front Squats (95, 65)

9 Bar Muscle-ups

Accessory Work

E: Banded Glute Bridge (3 x 10. Rest 60s.)

Glute Bridge with a Band
– squeeze glutes for a 1 count at top of each rep


Parasympathetic Breathing x 15-20 breaths – 3 seconds inhale + hold 1 second + 3 second exhale

Categories: WOD

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