Community Workout – Bring a Friend!

CrossFit Carolina Beach – CrossFit

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A: Warm-up (No Measure)

3 Rounds not for time:

2 Inchworm

4 Per side Bird dogs

6 Air Squats

8 Russian KB Swings

B: Limbo (Do not score!)

PVC pipe in the squat rack. 1 Inch lower each round


C: Two Minute Burpee Test (AMRAP – Reps)

As many burpees as you can do in 2 minutes.

D: Standing Triple Jump (Distance)

Two feet, One foot, One foot, Two feet.

E: Max Calorie per Hour Row (Calories)

Row as hard as possible. Stop when the calories stop increasing.
No more than 10-12 pulls. Make 2 or 3 attempts.

F: Farmer’s Carry (Find a 1 lap max. Down Right. Back left)

Categories: WOD

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