CrossFit Carolina Beach – CrossFit
A: Warm-up (No Measure)
200m Jog then,
Grab a light plate and complete:
50 Russian Twists (total)
40 Walking OH Lunges
30 G20H
20 Bent-over Rows (w. plate)
10 Burpees to the plate
*Rest as needed between movements/reps. This should be done at a slow pace.
Run 200 meters
Metcon Prep
B: Metcon (No Measure)
Spend 10 Minutes Reviewing/Warm-up all movements in the Metcon.
C: Metcon (AMRAP – Rounds and Reps)
With a running clock:
10 S20H (135, 95)
10 Box Jumps w. step down (24, 20)
10 KBS (53, 35)
10 G2OH w. plate (45, 25)
20 Walking OH Lunges w. plate (45, 25) (total)
50 Double Unders
L3: (115, 75)
L2: (95, 65) (20, 15) (35, 25) (35, 15) (45s Double Under Attempts)
L1: (65, 35) (20, 15 Step-ups) (35, 25 Russian Swings) (25, 10) (Single Unders)
*Score = total rounds + reps
Extra Credit
D: Metcon (No Measure)
Worlds greatest Stretch
30s each pose