Sept 7

CrossFit Carolina Beach – CrossFit

REMINDER: We have amended hours.

Morning: 6:00am&7:00pm


Evening: 5:00pm&6:00pm

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A: Metcon (No Measure)

KB Warm-up with 1 KB

10 Single Arm KBS (5 each)

10 1-Arm KB Squats (5 each)

10 Single Arm Push Press (5 each)

10 Single Arm KB Rows (5 each)

10 Single Arm Reverse Lunges (5 each)

10 KB Figure 8s


KB Snatch Progressions x 6:00

– KB Single Arm Swing

– KB High Pull

– KB Transition/Snatch

*Perform 5 Reps of each.


B1: Seated DB Shoulder Press (4 x 10. Rest 30s.)

Neutral Grip

B2: Banded Pull Downs (4 x 15. Rest 30s)


C: Metcon (AMRAP – Reps)

EMOM 20:

Minute 1: 10 KB Snatch each (53, 35)

Minute 2: 15 Hollow Rocks

Minute 3: 10 KB Rows each (53, 35)

Minute 4: 15 SDHP (53, 35)

Minute 5: 100m Active Recovery Jog
L3: (45, 25) (115, 75) (45, 25)

L2: (35, 25) (95, 65) (35, 35)

L1: (35, 25 Single Arm Russian Swings for KB Snatch) (75, 55) (35, 25)

*Score = total reps

Extra Credit

D: Metcon (No Measure)

Barbell Curls 21s: 3 x 7-7-7. Rest 60s.
– Bottom + Middle + Full ROM.

Categories: WOD

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