Simple Man

CrossFit Carolina Beach – Competitors Training

– Strength: If you have a banded deadlift max that was within the last 6 months aim to beat that by 5#s.

– Metcon: High Effort piece – 85-90% effort. Loading should be heavy but still, allow for consistency across all sets. Last tested on 10/25.

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A: Banded Conventional Deadlift (5-4-3-2-1+. Rest 2:00 – build to a 1RM.)

B: 2 Power Clean + 2 Front Squat

Build to Metcon weight in 3 sets


C: Simple Man (Time)

For Time:


Power Cleans (155, 105)

Front Squat (155, 105)

9:00 Cap

L3: (135, 95)

L2: (115, 75)

L1: (95, 65)

Rest 2:00

Sledpull Powerwalk: 6 x 60 yards. Rest 60s.

– hold a heavy medball against your chest (at least 50# for guys and 30# for ladies.)

Accessory Work

D: Double Leg Band Curls (4 x 30. Rest 60s.)

Categories: WOD