Threshold Work

CrossFit Carolina Beach – Competitors Training

– Strength: Final week of this Dynamic Effort Work. There is a twist today to the snatch work so if you’re feeling good, take advantage. If not, play it safe.

– Metcon: This work today should be brutal. You have the option to rest longer if you need to. You should be close fully recovered to tackle each round. Record all your splits. This work is done with an empty sled so you can push max effort on each set.

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A: Metcon (No Measure)

After your Warm-up Complete 20 Kneeling Jumps + Vertical Jumps to WU CNS

B: Front Rack Box Squat (7 x 3 @60% + 25% Band Tension, every 60s.)

C: 1 Power snatch + 1 Squat Snatch + 2 Overhead Squat (EMOM 5 @80% of Snatch, every 60s.)

– touch n go OR reset on each rep


With the same running clock adding weight each set:

1 Squat Snatch until you miss twice every 60s.

D: Squat Snatch (Heavy 1. See above instructions)


E: Metcon (Time)

5 Rounds, each for time:

40m Sledpush Sprint (empty sled)

20 Burpees

Rest 3-4:00

*Record all of your splits in notes. Mark slowest time in score box.


5 Rounds of:

100 Ft. Heavy Farmer Carry @BW per hand. Rest 2:00min.

*Use handles, or

*This can also be done with a TRAP BAR

Accessory Work

F: Reverse Hypers (4 x 30 @30% of Back Squat. Rest 90s.)

Categories: WOD

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