
CrossFit Carolina Beach – Competitors Training

– Strength: Week of Speed work with Back Squat and Squat Cleans. All sets should be explosive and perfect technique.

– Metcon: Benchmark workout that was last done on 7/12. Have a plan in mind to maximize your score. Set a goal of beating your previous score by 20 wallballs. Yes, 20 wallballs =)

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A: Back Squat (6 x 4 @75%, every 90s.)

Sets 1, 2 use your regular stance

Sets 3,4 use slightly wider stance

Sets 5,6 use slighter wider stance

B: Squat Clean (8 x 2 @75% of Monday, every 90s. – reset each rep)

Think speed work in the catch. Stand each rep up fast.


C: Timebomb (AMRAP – Reps)

In 12:00

50 Wallballs (20, 14)

40 Lateral Burpees over the Bar

30 Deadlifts (275, 185)

Remaining time AMRAP: Wallballs

Rx+: (315, 205)

L3: (225, 155)

L2: (14, 10) (165, 115)

L1: (10, 8) (135, 95)

*Score = total wallballs completed

Accessory Work

D: Single Leg Reverse Hyper (3 x 15 each. Rest 60s. – use 25% (or less) of BS)


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