
CrossFit Carolina Beach – CrossFit

– Strength: Today is week 2 of our Front Box Squats and week 1 of box jumps. This work is meant to be fast/explosive and form and speed should not be compromised on any sets.
– Metcon: Benchmark workout that is going to challenge you to hang on to a tough pace. Cleans should be light and capable of being done in big sets – this time cap is meant to be tight so be smart about your weight choice.

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A: Warm-up (No Measure)

3 Rounds BP Lower Complex:

5 RDLs

5 Sumo Stance RDLs

5 Front Squats

5 Front Rack Reverse Lunges each Leg

5 Goodmornings

5 Bent-over Rows

Rest 40-60s, add light weight.


Grab barbells and complete:

3 Muscle Cleans on Coaches Call x 3 sets.


B1: Front Box Squats (3/10 x 2 @55-65% of Front Squat, every 60s.)

– Wider than normal Squat Stance

B2: Box Jumps (2/8 x 2, at a challenging height, every 60s.)

Standing High Box Jumps

Metcon Prep

C: Warm-up (No Measure)

Warm-up Light Power Cleans & Bar Facing Burpees


D: Tugboat (Time)

2 RFT:

25 Power Cleans (115, 75)

25 Bar Facing Burpees

L3: (95, 65)

L2: (75, 55)

L1: (95, 65 Clean Grip Deadlifts) (Regular Burpees)

10:00 Cap

Extra Credit

E1: Glute-Ham Raises (4 x 8. Rest 90s.)

E2: Single Leg Barbell RDL (4 x 6 ea. Rest 90s.)

– light weight

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