Upper Body Hottie

CrossFit Carolina Beach – CrossFit


Only July 4th we will have:

Group Classes- 8:45am and 1:00pm

Come and sweat before you kick off the holiday.

– Strength/Metcon: Today we have two part upper body workout with a fairly high amount of volume. The first part is 10 rounds for time of Pull-ups, dips and barbell rows with 60 seconds between rounds and a 20-minute time cap; the second is 5 rounds of banded work to help bring up your strength endurance. To get the most out of today’s workout and to finish within the time cap you’re going to have to be realistic in regards to your ability level and the scaling options you choose; there are plenty of options. The coach will be able to help with your scaling if you are unsure.

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A: Warm-up (No Measure)

3 part escalating warm up; set up light band on rig

Part 1 (4 mins)

2 rounds of 20 on/:10 transition

– straight arm jumping jacks

– Hollow Rocks

– push up plank; alternate Shoulder taps

Part 2 (5 mins)

2 rounds of:

-10 Single Arm Lat Pulldowns

*3 count lat contraction on each rep

-10 push-ups to floor or Box Push-ups

-20 single arm banded Triceps Extensions per side

-20 Banded Pull-aparts

Part 3 (8 mins)

*coaches use this time to go over movement modifications; see coaches notes

3 rounds of:

3 Pull up variation

6 Dip variations

9 Barbell Rows

*building to workout weight


B1: Metcon (Time)

10 RFT:

5 Strict Pull-ups (change grip every 2 sets i.e. pull-up, Chin-up, wide, medium and close grips)

10 Bar Dips

15 Barbell Rows (95, 65)

Rest 60s

21:00 Cap

Rx+:(Ring Dips) (135, 95)

L3: (Reps of 3-6-9)

L2: (Band Assisted Strict Pull-ups) (Push-ups or Box Push-ups)

L1 Metcon:

5 Rounds of:

10 DB Bench Press

10 Double DB Rows

10 DB Hammer Curls

Rest 90s.

B2: Metcon (No Measure)


Rest 5:00 and complete

5 Rounds, not for time:

20 Banded Pull-aparts (underhand grip)

20 Banded OH Triceps Extensions

20 Banded Pulldown Abs

10:00 Cap

Extra Credit

C: 5 Minutes of P. Breathing (Time)


Categories: WOD

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