CrossFit Carolina Beach – CrossFit
There is no time-cap, but this will likely take between 30-50 minutes to complete.
The intent today is pacing and pushing through the pain once fatigue sets in. Loading is light but reps are many, so scale accordingly.
A: Metcon (No Measure)
Gather equipment, then:
AMRAP 8 of:
5 Deadlifts
5 Thrusters
10 Alt. Step-ups
100m Run
B: Andy (Time)
For time:
25 Thrusters (115, 75)
50 Box Jumps w. step down (24, 20)
75 Deadlifts (115, 75)
1.5 Mile Run
75 Deadlifts
50 Box Jumps
25 Thrusters
Rx+:(Wear a 20# Vest)
L3: (95, 65)
L2: (75, 55) (20, 14)
L1: (65, 35) (25 Deadlifts each set) (30, 20, 15 Step-ups each set) (800m Run)
*No time cap