What a drag

CrossFit Carolina Beach – Competitors Training

– Recovery: Remember this should be ”easy” work, 130-150BPM. This session should not take longer than 75 minutes, but the goal is long slow distance work today to build cardiac output.

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A: Metcon (Time)

In 50 Minutes:

2 Mile Powerwalk with a light-weighted Sled. If it’s cold where you are, dress warm =)

– Guidelines

– Alt. however you see fit ie. forward, backward, laterally.

– Use roughly 25% of your BW on the sled including the sled weight.

– You should not have to stop to rest at all.

– Denote your time (but this should be a brisk powerwalk)

Remaining time: Max Distance Bike or Jog

B: Metcon (No Measure)

100 Reps of:

Banded Pull-throughs

Banded Pulldowns

Banded Pushdowns

Categories: WOD

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