CrossFit Carolina Beach – CrossFit
~ Christmas Week – All classes will be at 8:45am and 1:00pm.
~ Closed Christmas Day.
~ New Years Eve – 8:45 and 1:00pm only.
~ New Years Day – The workout of the day will be 108 sun salutations with Heather at 11:00. Come move and groove!
~ January 2nd – Back to normal schedule.
– Strength: This is the FINAL week of Box Squat work. Next, we’ll start a cycle for the Front Squat. All sets of Box Squats today should look very similar to last week in terms of speed off of the box.
– Metcon: Today’s Metcon should be a burner. Give the first half of this workout your all. If you have a time/load from last year let that serve to develop your game plan for today.
A: Warm-up (No Measure)
Grab a set of Dumbbells and Bar then complete:
2 Rounds of:
10 Reverse Lunges in place (alternating, total)
5 DB Front Squats
10 RDLs w. bar
10 Bird-dogs, 5 each side.
Take 5 Minutes to Review Cleans
Take 5 Minutes to Review + Warm-up Box Squats
B: Wide Stance Box Squats (7 x 3 @70% of 12/3 3RM, every 60s.)
Metcon Prep: Set up barbells, DBs
C: Crossfit Games Open 18.2 (Ages 16-54) (Time)
1-2-3-4-5-6-7-8-9-10 reps
for time of:
Dumbbell squats 50/35 lb
Bar-facing burpees
-12 minute time cap
– If you finish under the time cap, use remaining time to complete 18.2a
– If you don’t finish before the time cap, add 1 second for every rep you don’t complete before the time cap
Extra Credit
D: Single Leg DB RDL w/ Support (4 x 6-10 each. Rest 60s.)
Light 400 meter sledpull powerwalk