CrossFit Carolina Beach – CrossFit
– Strength: Week 2 of Pause Front Squat work. This week should be 5% heavier, BUT all sets should look like last week and be executed perfectly.
– Metcon: Today we are looking at sustaining higher-output, around 85% for all sets. You’ll have enough rest to do this, but make sure you do not go 100% or you’ll likely won’t be able to recover.
A: Warm-up (No Measure)
*Have everyone go through and perform a 30s Interval on the Bike at 60% Effort
KB Warm-up, Tabata Style (20 work/10 rest) x 3 Rounds:
1a) KB March (Right Side)
1b) KB March (Left Side)
1c) Russian Swing
1d) Goblet Alt. Reverse Lunges
*Have everyone go through and perform a 30s Interval on the Bike at 85% Effort
20 Air Squats (or Alt. Pistols)
10 KBS (Heavy)
Review Front Squats
B: Paused Front Squat (5 x 3 @80%, Every 90s.)
– 1 Second Pause on each rep
– Take 4 sets to build to 80% before starting the clock
Metcon Prep
C: Metcon (No Measure)
2 Rounds of:
15s AB Sprint (increase intensity on each set)
10 Air Squats
Rest 60s.
D: Metcon (Calories)
Every 4:00 x 5 Sets:
30s Assault Bike Sprint
20 Air Squats
10 KBS (70, 53)
*Score total calories
Rx+:(Alt. Pistols, total) (88, 70)
L3: (53, 35)
L2: (45, 30)
L1: (20s AB) (12 Air Squats) (35, 25 Russian Swings)
*Alternate Option
– 30s Max Effort Row or Ski Erg
– 200m Shuttle Run (out 100m/back 100m)
– 30s Sledpush Sprint (empty sled)