Bands Make Her Dance

CrossFit Carolina Beach – Competitors Training

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A: Metcon (AMRAP – Rounds and Reps)

AMRAP 30 with a partner:

Buy in:

400 Meter Farmer Carry, AHAP.

With remaining time AMRAP:

500 Meter Row

40 Wallballs

30 T2B

20 Burpees over the rower

*One person works. Split as desired.

Accessory Work

B: Bands Make Her Dance (No Measure)

With one light band complete:

Max UB Reps of Banded Pull-aparts

Max UB Reps of Single Leg Banded Hamstring Curls Right

Max UB Reps of Banded Leg Curls Left

Max UB Reps of Banded Triceps Pushdowns


Rx: (75-100 Reps without stopping)

L3: (50-75 Reps without stopping)

L2: (40-50 Reps without stopping)

L1: (30-40 Reps without stopping)
*Whatever reps remain to reach 100 total complete at the end for each. Compare to 8/11.

Categories: WOD

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