Erica Boykin

Erica Boykin


Erica Boykin is a dedicated and certified CrossFit Level 1 trainer with a passion for helping individuals achieve their fitness goals. Holding a prestigious CF-Lv 1 certification, Erica has undergone rigorous training and education to ensure she provides the highest standard of coaching to her clients.
With over a year of coaching experience, Erica has honed her skills in guiding individuals through challenging CrossFit workouts, fostering a positive and motivating training environment. Her commitment to the CrossFit philosophy and methodology shines through in her coaching style, as she strives to empower her clients to push their limits and achieve remarkable results.
Beyond her commitment to fitness, Erica is a multifaceted individual who brings a unique blend of skills to the community. In addition to her coaching expertise, she also runs a thriving pet grooming service in the Carolina Beach area. Her love for animals is evident in the care and attention she provides to furry friends, making her a well-rounded and valued member of the Carolina Beach community.
Erica is a dedicated wife and mom of two boys. Erica has displayed that embracing the challenges and joys of being a mom and wife can enrich a CrossFit coaches ability to connect with individuals, understand their unique needs, and creative a supportive and empowering fitness environment.
Whether she’s leading a high-intensity WOD (Workout of the Day) at the CrossFit box or ensuring pets in the community look and feel their best, Erica Boykin is a true professional with a heart for health and wellness in all its forms.

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