Dec. 13th

CrossFit Carolina Beach – CrossFit

– Strength: Pull-up volume accumulation – choose the best level for your ability – all sets should be challenging.
– Metcon: While this looks tame on paper it’s going to challenge your ability to maintain position and smoke your grip/upper-back. Go light with BB weight choice.

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A: Warm-up (No Measure)

1) Oscillatory foam roll lats: x 60 seconds per side.

2) AMRAP 4 of:

Thoracic Rotations x 5 each

“Rusin Triset”

Over and Back x 8

Banded Facepull-aparts x 8

Banded Pull-aparts x 8

3) AMRAP 3 of:

Banded Push-ups x 5

medball chest presses x 3

4) Review Strength/Metcon Movements

– Strict Pull-ups

– Rollback Triceps Extensions

– Bent-over Barbell Rows

– T2B


B: Strict Pull Ups (Accumulate Volume)

Chin over bar. Play around with mixed grip and supinated
– Rx+:(Band Resisted Pull-ups – 40 Reps)

– L3: (Bodyweight – 30 Reps)

– L2: (Partner Assisted Chin-up – 5 x 5)

– L1: (Ring Rows – 5 x 8-10)

Rest 60-90s between sets.

C: Tricep Rollback Extensions (1/4 x 15. Rest 60s.)


D: Metcon (AMRAP – Rounds and Reps)


9 Bent-over Barbell Rows (95, 65)

9 T2B

L3: (75, 55)

L2: (65, 45) (Knee Lifts)

L1: (55, 35) (Abmat Sit-ups)

Proceed right into “extra credit”

Rx+ Extra Training

Accumulate 1oo reps of:

Double DB Bent-over Rows

DB Bench Press

Barbell Curls

*Then proceed into recovery work

Extra Credit

E: Banded Y-T-A-T: (3 x 10. Rest 60s.)

1 rep = Y-T-A-T
– 1 rep = Y-T-A-T


3:00 of Global Foam Rolling the Lats – 90s each

Categories: WOD

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