Enough Rest 4 Best

CrossFit Carolina Beach – CrossFit

– Strength: Today we will be doing some upper body and core work. You will establish a max effort set for each of the following: chin ups (supinated grip), pushups, and an L-sit or hollow hold (for time). Rx+ option is HSPU. Beginners can complete chin ups with band.
– Metcon: Aim for 75-80% effort for all rounds. There should be enough rest after each interval to sustain consistent efforts across all 5 rounds.

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A: Warm-up (No Measure)

TABATA (8 rounds total)

Round 1: High knees

Round 2: Air Squats

Round 3: Single Unders

Round 4: Mountain Climbers

Round 5: High knees

Round 6: Air Squats

Round 7: Single Unders

Round 8: Mountain Climbers


7 Minutes to review

Rope Climbs

Hang Power Cleans


B: Chin-Ups (Max Strict Chin-ups x 1 set.)

– Beginner: Either Band Assisted or Ring Rows

C: Push-ups (Max Strict Push-ups x 1 set)


– Beginner: Box Push-ups

D: L-Sit (Max L-Sit Hold x 1 set)

– Beginner: Hollow Hold


E: Metcon (Time)

Every 4:00 x 5 Sets:

20 Walking Lunges (BW) (total reps)

15 Hang Power Cleans (135, 95)

1 Rope Climbs

50 Double Unders
L3: (115, 75)

L2: (95, 65) (10 Band Assisted Pull-ups per round) (Double Under Attempts x 50)

L1: (65, 45) (10 Ring rows per round) (50 Singles)

Score today = slowest split

Extra Credit

F1: Banded Face Pulls (3 x 15. No rest. )

*These are done with a slow + controlled temp + 1 count pause at end ROM.

*Tempo = 3130 (3 second pull-apart + 1s pause at end range + 3s reverse action + o second pause at start)

*These sets should suck =)

F2: Elbow out Tricep Extensions (3 x 15. No rest.)


Categories: WOD

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